Why Own a Hulings?

Join the discerning group of collectors who collect “slices of life” that resonated with Clark Hulings. He scoured the world for six decades, seeking and creating beauty, and here you can acquire the slices that most resonate with you.

Festival Poster

Product Details

23 x 17 inches

What better way to celebrate a 300 year-old Santa Fe, New Mexico annual festival than with a Hulings burro? This shaggy guy, standing in the direct sun and casting a shadow on the dry ground, is wearing a beautiful red-orange woven saddle blanket with a matching red tassel on the forehead of his bridle. The calligraphy and the alternating tan-gray bands of the poster layout are beautiful examples of 1970s vintage, pre-digital graphic design.

"Las Fiestas de Santa Fe" start, and end, with Catholic masses and processions and include mariachi bands and the burning of "Old Man Gloom" marionette long before Burning Man was a twinkle in a hipster's eye.
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Festival Poster

Do You Know About the Clark Hulings Foundation?

A portion of net proceeds of the Clark Hulings Estate are donated to CHF, to enable working artists like Clark to build self-sustaining businesses.

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